Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

School Meals & Nutrition

Children can either have a school lunch or bring a packed lunch. Menus are provided each term detailing the meals on offer. Each day children will have the option of main dish, a vegetarian dish and a jacket potato/filled roll or similar. A fish dish will be offered each Friday. Seasonal vegetables, salad, fresh fruit, fresh bread baked in our kitchen and drinking water will be available every day. 

Should your child have any special dietary requirements (for medical or religious reasons) please contact the school. Children who have school dinners may bring a soft drink to school to drink with their lunch (no cans or fizzy drinks). 

Packed Lunches

Packed Lunches must be brought to school in a suitable lunch box. They are then stored on a large rack outside the classroom until lunch time.

Please do not include nuts of any type, including sesame seeds or nut containing products such as peanut butter, Nutella in sandwiches, cereal bars containing nuts, Pesto etc. This is due to a high number of children having severe allergies within the school. Please do not include any fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate.  Also ensure grapes, cherry tomatoes or any similar fruit are cut in half length-ways to minimise the risk of your child choking.

School Dinner Menus

School dinners across the London Borough of Hounslow are provided by a company called Stir Foods. In our kitchen we are very fortunate to have a great team who are headed by our School Cook, Subha Tewari. Due to investment by the school, we are also fortunate to have top quality catering equipment to meet the demands of a growing school.

All Children from Reception to Year 2 are  entitled to a free school dinner under the Universal Infants Free School Meals initiative. This has been extended to Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6 on a permanent basis by the Mayor of London.  

Stir Food - let's eat. together

More information coming about Stir Foods

Booking your Child's Meal

Once you have logged in to PARENT PAY, select ‘Make Meal Bookings‘ then select the date you would like to book from. You will need to click on each day you would like a meal and which meal your child would like. Once this has been done, you then ‘Confirm Bookings’ and if you pay for your meals (years 3-6), go through to the payment section. You will need to do this for each child at the school.

Please note this is the only way to place orders, and to pay for school lunches as we no longer accept cash or cheques.

All children wishing to have a school lunch will need to place an order regardless if they are entitled to free meals or not. This includes, Reception, Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. All meals will have to be placed in advance.

Orders can be placed and paid up until the end of the current term, or if you prefer you may pay weekly in advance. If you miss the the deadline, you will have to provide your child with a packed lunch.

School Milk

Our school milk is supplied by Cool Milk Ltd. Under 5’s receive milk free of charge; you simply need to register that your child would like to have it. Milk is supplied at a subsidised rate for over 5’s. Please visit the Cool Milk website (www.coolmilk.com) to register your child and to manage payments (if your child is over 5yrs old) for your child’s milk. We do encourage parents to take up this option.

School Fruit

The school also takes part in the National School Fruit Scheme. Children aged 4-6 years (Infants) are entitled to a free piece of fruit each school day. We also encourage children in Key Stage Two to bring fruit to school to eat during morning break time. The school provides “Fruit on Friday” for Key Stage Two children.

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