Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Year 1 – Rabbits


Miss El-Hossiny

Class Teacher

Miss Butler

Teaching Assistant

School Council


School Council


School Council


Sports Council

Milo C

Sports Council


Eco Council


Eco Council

Goals for the Year

Throughout the year, we work hard on our early writing and mathematics skills so by the end of Year One, we are fully equipped to move up to Year Two. In Year One, we work on our reading, writing and mathematics skills in all Curriculum areas. The inspiring and engaging curriculum along with the class environment, help us to develop as members of the school community and make sense of the world around us. Our Christian values and classroom rules are rooted in everything we do and learn.

Curriculum Statement

This term, In English, we will be covering different styles of texts which include writing a comic strip, an informal letter, a recount and a senses poem inspired through English texts such as Squishy Mcfluff Seaside Rescue and Where The Wild Things Are. In maths, we will continue to follow the White Rose Curriculum, using concrete resources and reasoning questions to deepen our understanding. In science, we will describe the structure of plants and name a variety of common evergreen, deciduous, wild and garden plants. In DT, we will plan, make and evaluate a stable car garage structure and will create art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy using natural materials. Watch out for our exciting creations! To build on our knowledge of the world, we will explore the Amazon and the Mongolian grasslands in geography, learning about their different homes, climates and traditions. In history, we will explore how people lived in the past and compare this to the present. In computing, we will continue to follow our Switched On Computing scheme to become detectives and use data to solve clues. In PE, the focus will be on team building and athletics, preparing for our fun Sports Day! In RE, we are studying what a Baptism is and we will explore the meaning of different stories from the Qur’an. Please have a look on the Parent Portal for more details in the Knowledge Organisers.


We continue to develop as individuals in Year One during our weekly PSHE lessons. Looking after ourselves and others, physically and mentally, is very important in our class. We read texts such as Ravi’s Roar, Ruby’s Worry and discuss how we can develop a positive growth mindset, using the zones of regulation to explore and understand different feelings. In our PSHE lessons, we are focusing on ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing me’ with the children exploring how they have changed since they were a baby.

Workshops & Trips

In Year One, children experience a range of exciting workshops, trips and visits. So far this year we have had a visit from some amazing animals and a workshop on healthy eating, where children were encouraged to try some new fruits and vegetables! We are looking forward to more enrichment activities this year, such as visiting All Saints’ Church to learn about ‘Baptisms’ and our trip in Summer term.

Take a look at this!

Fun highlights are our show and tell time each Friday! We all enjoy seeing and learning about the different treasures that are brought in. We also enjoy hearing about the adventures of Rita the Rabbit. Every Friday, a child gets to take Rita the Rabbit on a weekend adventure. The following week, the child shares their adventures with the class.
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