Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Summer Fair Update

Well, what can I say…….

I think we can call this year’s Summer Fair a MASSIVE success; the turnout was wonderful and we counted over 600 people through the gate! Thank you so much to everyone who came and made it such a busy, vibrant, happy event. As we haven’t been able to run a summer fair for three years, it felt like a real celebration of the school and the kids with a fantastic sense of community after such a long time apart.

We raised just over £6000 which is an incredible achievement so a huge THANK YOU to you all.

We had live music, traditional games, a beach, bouncy castle, mini golf, tombola, books, sweets, candy floss, ice lollies, balloons, water pistols and an outstanding bar and BBQ!

We had displays from Holly of Bouncefit Isleworth and Karate from Aymen of UK Karate Academy. The inflatable assault course was a big hit with both adults and kids but the favourite of the day were the water pistols, I don’t think there was a dry child (or adult) in sight.

All of this could not have happened without the support of our volunteers and the wider community. So here goes……

Thank you to….

All the class reps that organised class rotas and took ownership of their allocated stalls – we know this is not easy!

All those parents that volunteered to do a slot on the rota

All the parents that did shopping and placed orders online

All the parents that gave up time on Friday for set up

All the teachers that turned up to support (and our first aiders)

Mrs Sayer and her team in the office

Anyone who signed up for an estate agent board

And some key people to highlight…

Bryony and her second-hand uniform sale crew

Michelle Willco for sponsoring the face painter

Gareth Battan @ Ofilms for supplying the PA system

Gareth Haze for the live music (you can see him live at The Red Lion)

Rev Elis Matthews of St Mary’s Osterley, Rev Joe Sellars of All Souls St Margaret’s, Mr Kelly and Mr Hammer for being such good sports on the soak the Vicar/Teacher stall

Wayne Needham, caretaker extraordinaire, who could not have been more helpful

Starwalls for creating our fab beach

Oakhills Estate Agents for sponsoring the kid’s bouncy castle

Anthony James Manser for sponsoring 30 estate boards

Co-op, Isleworth for donating ice creams

Valerie School of Dance

The Swan Pub

And the PA stall was so busy and we would not have coped without the help of George Hesed, we were so busy selling tokens that we managed to gather the sum total of zero details for our Skills Bank – so watch out for more detail about this

Plus everyone who donated to our massive raffle prize bank; Ed Bracken @ Radisson Red, Kew Gardens, Elsie Ng @ Remedy & Touchology, Steam Museum, Piptree Catering, Emma Hook Photography, Brindissa (Richmond), Topshot Netball Club, Royal Oak Pub, Jubilee Motors, Greedies, South Street, Bulluccis, Stylecreep, Hei Hing, Riverside Pharmacy, Elvis & Ivy, Isleworth Greengrocers, Merki Eyelashes, So Bar Richmond

I hope I have not missed anyone but if I have – THANK YOU, you were part of an amazing day.

This event would not have happened without the input of some very special people – Sonia Hanfrey-Perez, Jane Sankey, Wendy Seccombe and Katherine Baeton, thank you soooo much for making this such an awesome event!

Just a reminder that the reason the PA exists is to fundraise money to donate towards providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils – through the events that we run. We have donated funds to enhance the school and pupil experience in some of the following areas – playground equipment, mud kitchens, bikes, bouldering wall, classroom rainy days toys, Chromebooks, magazine subscriptions, books for classrooms, leavers gifts…. the list goes on! Please join us at the PA get together to help this continue next year, information to follow.

Kirsty Sweet

PA Chair

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