Please note our local special educational needs and disabilities offer described below can be subject to change.
Who can parents contact for further information, or raise concerns? If you would like more information or have concerns please contact the school office to speak to:
SENCo and Assistant Headteacher – Mr C Matheron, Headteacher – Mr White or any member of the Leadership Team.
This guidance aims to provide consistency and a common set of expectations about
what provision for the four strands should be made for the majority of children and young people with SEN, within the structure of core & delegated funding (notional budgets) in state schools, academies & free schools.
If your child has a learning plan, it may well identify some aspects of this provision where appropriate.
We track the progress of our pupils closely and regularly so that we can quickly identify pupils who may benefit from extra support. Ongoing teacher observation and assessment mean that we know our children well, helping us to identify any problems as early as possible.
When any member of our staff has concerns about a pupil, they raise them with the Leadership Team or Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) who offer guidance and support in provision.
Pupils themselves and their parents/carers can also ask for extra support and help.
Sometimes children enter our school and are already known to have additional needs.
If you think your child may have special educational needs, please see the class teacher initially and explain any concerns you may have.
You can also contact the SENCo or Head Teacher via the school office.
If your child hasn’t started school yet, it is much better to liaise early with the school so we can plan to meet your child’s needs as soon as they arrive. Please contact the SENCo via the School Office.
Class teachers are responsible for the children’s learning and will ensure your child’s needs are met by planning additional intervention, altering strategies or differentiating lessons. The SENCo will work with the class teacher in order to ensure your child’s needs are met.
A personalised approach is chosen depending on the needs of your child. This varies from ‘in class strategies’ to small group work and in some cases 1:1 support. Staff may also follow advice and strategies from external specialists eg Speech and language therapists.
Your child may have a Provision Map which is reviewed at least termly with parents/carers. This is a short document that details targets and strategies.
Senior staff and Governors monitor the quality of the support given to pupils with special educational needs.
Category of Governor and Appointing Body
Co-Opted Governor
The class teacher or SENCo will usually be the person that explains a Provision Map and provision in class.
If your child is supported 1:1 then you will have frequent contact with those supporting the child.
The SENCo will meet with parents/carers of children with more significant need regularly and is available to meet with any parent to discuss any concerns.
Parent/carer consultations are held in the Autumn and Spring terms and a report is sent home in the Summer term. Some children with Provision Maps will have more frequent reviews. Those with a significant level of need will also involve the SENCo or occasionally the Headteacher in reviews.
Classteachers, support staff and SENCo are available to discuss your child’s progress as needed. We just ask that you make an appointment in advance (preferably after school) so that the member of staff is available to talk to you.
Children with EHC (Education, Health Care) plans will have an annual review meeting. For children under 5 years this will be twice yearly.
When agencies from outside school are involved, they often provide suggestions and advice that can be followed up at home and school.
High quality classroom teaching is our first priority. A broad, balanced and creative curriculum offers learning matched to pupil’s ability. Classteachers plan for a variety of abilities and ensure that all children are challenged or supported as appropriate.
Learning opportunities are designed so that all pupils in the class can take part.
In some lessons, pupils are grouped with others that are working on similar targets.
Additional adult support may be used in a variety of ways: small groups, one to one support in or out of class, or to support the class teacher to plan for, or work with, a pupil or pupils with special needs.
It is recognised that children with Special Educational needs or disabilities will have strengths in other areas. They will be challenged and encouraged to share these strengths with the rest of the class/ school as appropriate.
When age appropriate children are expected to complete homework tasks, classteachers and SENCo can advise parents/carers how to support additionally at home.
Parent/Carers also receive copies of Provision maps so that targets are shared between home and school.
All staff have responsibility for the welfare of the pupils. Relevant staff are trained to support the medical needs of pupils including those with allergies. Medical care plans are used where appropriate, for example when a child needs to be given a medicine in school.
Safeguarding and child protection procedures are in place. The named persons are Ms Rachel Jones and Mr Guy.
High priority is given to social and emotional wellbeing of pupils as we know children learn best when they are happy, confident and settled. Our behaviour policy is followed by all staff. Any bullying, racist incidents or serious behaviour problems are usually dealt with by a member of the senior team.
Attendance is monitored regularly to ensure all children have good attendance and arrive punctually. Please speak to Mrs Debbie Sayer in the school office if you would like more information about attendance. If your child needs to miss school for a medical appointment or reason linked to their disability please ensure the school office have this information.
Sometimes we need to consult an outside agency for more specialist expertise.
The agencies consulted by the school include:
We always obtain parental permission before referring a pupil to an outside agency for support with their learning.
All staff are trained in teaching pupils with special educational needs through whole staff training sessions. The content of these varies according to current need within the school. Individual staff members have also undertaken additional specialist training in a range of areas (eg Autism, ADHD, Specific Learning Difficulties, Speech and Language development).
Our outside learning activities and trips are accessible for all our pupils. If necessary, additional adults are arranged to support a pupil with special needs or a disability. Sometimes alternative transport maybe arranged too. This information is recorded on the risk assessments that are prepared for all trips.
Pupil’s specific learning needs are supported through the use of technology (computers etc) where appropriate.
Ensuring, wherever possible, children’s needs are met.
We have an accessibility action plan in place.
The SENCo and/or classteacher will liaise with the new school in order to aid a smooth transition.
For EHC plan pupils, it may be possible for Teaching Assistants to accompany children on a visit to their new setting (with parent/carers).
The Leadership team and the Governors monitor our finances carefully.
We monitor the impact of intervention in order to ensure value for money.
We use our resources to support the aims of our school as well as individual learner needs.
Where a pupil needs substantial support, we apply to the local authority for additional funding to meet their needs. This may mean applying for assessment towards an Education, Health and Care plan.
Each pupil’s need is examined on an individual basis.
Initial support is through specific strategies carried out by the class teachers.
Intervention groups have entry and exit criteria based on more than one factor, and are flexible. One pupil may need additional support throughout; other pupils may only need it for a short time.
Additional Teaching Assistants may be deployed to support individuals or small groups of learners in class (the focus could be supporting behaviour, learning or other needs). This additional support may be time limited and reviewed by need. We aim for all children to access the curriculum as independently as they are able to.
For pupils with Education, Health and Care plans (EHC), the type of support needed will be detailed on their plan. This is discussed at an annual review meeting with parents and professionals.
For a very few pupils, we may request that an assessment for an EHC plan be made by the local authority. Please ask if you would like more information about this process.
We maintain a warm and nurturing ongoing conversation with all of our pupils. Children are encouraged to say what they like and don’t like about school. They also talk about their learning as part of class routine so that they can share their needs with staff.
We have an appointed SEN Governor, who meets with the SENCo to discuss the provision of support for pupils with special needs and the outcomes of the provision.
The Leadership team present information about pupil progress to Governors on a regular basis, including that of pupils with special needs.
Governors visit the school regularly.
LB Hounslow has an information, advice and support service for parents and carers of children who have special needs and/or disabilities. The service provides information, advice and support about SEN, disability, health and social care. Although the service is provided by the local authority, it is ‘arms-length’ from other local authority services, and is a free, impartial and confidential service. Please click on this page for contact details
The Rainbow Room
This engaging space functions as a learning centre for children who have an array of needs across the four strands of cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health (SEMH), physical and sensory and communication and interaction.
Furthermore, children can access the room in order to have a quiet space in which to work. Our pupils appreciate their time in the Rainbow Room working with specialists on our Inclusion Team.
The Sensory Room
The Sensory room is a comfortable space, which projects calming imagery on the walls, which is complemented by soothing sounds. Children have timetabled sessions in the Sensory Room as part of their physical and sensory diet. These sessions are supervised by a member of the Inclusion Team. The room also functions as a calming space for children who need time to regulate their emotions.
The Office Team
Mrs H Wildgust/ Admissions and Finance Manager
Mr C Matheron / SENCO
Mrs J McLoughlin / Welfare and Attendance Manager
To report an absence
The Blue School Parents’ Association