We run a variety of after-school clubs which are open to children from Year 1 – Year 6. The clubs are aimed at different year groups every term so as to ensure that all children have an opportunity to join in throughout the year. If places are not filled from within the specified year groups, the remaining spaces will then be offered to other year groups.
All clubs start straight after school and run until 4.30pm unless otherwise specified.
Please book a club via ARBOR via the link below.
If you would like your child to attend an afterschool club, please ensure they have completed a Code Of Conduct form (link on next section below) and return it to Mrs Hunt
If you require before and after-school childcare, there are three clubs local to The Blue School. All of these clubs offer drop-offs and pick-ups from school. Their contact details are as follows:
All Saints’ Church Church Street Old Isleworth TW7 6BE Tel. 07306 086666
Twickenham Rd Isleworth TW7 7EU Tel. 020 8560 4552
Brantwood Avenue Isleworth TW7 7AP Tel 07958 262295
Pupils should read these rules carefully with a parent and sign and return to Mr Kelly. The Blue School Code of Conduct for After School Clubs Form can be downloaded as a PDF Document on the below button.
The Office Team
Mrs H Wildgust/ Admissions and Finance Manager
Mr C Matheron / SENCO
Mrs J McLoughlin / Welfare and Attendance Manager
To report an absence
The Blue School Parents’ Association