At The Blue School, where children come from all faiths and none, religious education enables every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness – John 10:10.
RE helps to educate dignity, respect and courageous advocacy, encouraging all to live well together. Religious education is a highly valued academic subject that enables an understanding of how religion and beliefs affect our lives. At the heart of RE at The Blue School, is the teaching of Christianity and through our sequenced curriculum children also learn about other faiths and worldviews, preparing children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in modern society
At our school, religious education supports and strengthens our vision, ethos and values that are at the heart of what we do in every aspect of school life. Throughout their time at The Blue School, we seek to develop every child spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually. This aim is embedded in our religious education curriculum. As a Church of England primary school, we follow the agreed syllabus provided by the London Diocesan Board for Schools.
Religious literacy supports children to understand themselves and one another, and the world in which we live. Religious literacy interconnects religious text, beliefs and practices with the world of the children, by viewing religion through three disciplines, theology, philosophy, and humans and social sciences. It promises a richer, deeper, wiser understanding of Christianity for both Christians and non-Christians, and an exploration of learning for all children who through delving deeper into Biblical text, can comprehend the meaning behind the written word.
At The Blue School, Collective Worship underpins the Christian vision, values and ethos of our school and allows for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils. Opportunities to gather together in worship are provided daily.
All Collective Worship is based on Biblical teachings and uses a thematic approach for the week. The school uses resources from the London Dicosian Board (LDBS) alongside working with local clergy to plan, prepare and deliver Collective Worship. It covers a key, universal theme such as one of our school values (wisdom / hope/ dignity/ community). Collective Worship (as directed by the Church of England) is inspiring, inclusive and invitational, so that it can be delivered and enjoyed by those of all faiths and none.
We seek to reflect the community that we live in as part of our Collective Worship and incorporate different styles of Christian worship within our practice.
As a Church of England school Religious Education is at the centre of our school’s beliefs and this is reflected not only in RE lessons but through assemblies, links with the local churches in our community and through our pupils and teachers morals and values. We ensure that RE teaching follows the national curriculum, and is open and instils respect for different views and interpretations enabling all young people to become successful learners who enjoy learning, making progress and achieving.
As a church school we support our children to understand the Christian faith, its values and ethos which we embed through discussion, collective worship, in lessons and through modelling in the way we treat each other and through our behaviour within our school and local community. Through this strong Christian ethos we strive to meet all our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs.
This page provides prospective parents and visitors with a glimpse into our curriculum. Parents of Blue School pupils are provided with detailed guides to subject planning in the form of ‘Knowledge Organisers’ in Parent Zone.
Our children in EYFS will be able to explain who God is and why he is important to Christians. They will delve into the role God plays in rescuing people, including some of his miracles. Finally, as an introduction to school worship, they will visit one of our local churches, experiencing a service being led by our year 6 children.
At the end of KS1, children will be able to express an understanding of creation, discuss the importance of the Lord’s Prayer and begin to recite it, identify important individuals in God’s life and their role in Christianity. To build on our children’s faith, they will take part in a trip to a local church to learn about and participate in a baptism. Children will be introduced to Judaism, and will be able to compare symbols and practises to Christianity.
In LKS2, the children will explore some of the big stories within The Bible, discussing their significance, while starting to appreciate the important role the Ten Commandments play within Christian life. As their journey continues, the children will deepen their understanding of Judaism, and begin to investigate Hinduism and its similarities and differences to Christianity. The children will finish their time in LKS2 by investigating the importance of Holy Communion and its symbolism.
By the end of KS2 children will have had numerous opportunities to learn through and learn about our Christian faith, developing an understanding and appreciation of the morals, values and the ways in which our faith can guide us in our life journey. Each child will also have the opportunity to learn about other world faiths, what makes their faith special to them and explore the similarities to Christianity. All children will have the opportunity to take part in the Year 6 church services – a spiritual highlight in the school calendar.
The Office Team
Mrs H Wildgust/ Admissions and Finance Manager
Mr C Matheron / SENCO
Mrs J McLoughlin / Welfare and Attendance Manager
To report an absence
The Blue School Parents’ Association