Our school buildings and outdoor space have been developed extensively over the past number of years and we are very proud of the results!
The main school building is the oldest part of the school and is where the School Office, the main hall/dining hall, staffroom and Library are. On the first floor there are the Year 6 classrooms. Year 1 classrooms were added to this building during 2012. During the summer holidays 2014, a considerable amount of refurbishment took place in this building which included the provision of a new ICT Suite where whole classes can enjoy IT lessons.
Our main hall has been extended to meet the demands of a growing school, and to ensure that we can continue to come together in it for whole school worship. We are delighted with the end result, and very proud of the enlarged space which is at the heart of our school.
The Nursery building is separate from the main building and is located at the front of the school. It is easily recognisable from the beautiful Noah’s Ark mural.
The New Building was added during the course of 2013/14 in order for the school to fully accommodate the additional classes as it becomes a two-form entry school. This building is located at the playground end of the main building and houses eight state-of-the-art classrooms and two group rooms over two floors. Currently Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 sit in this building.
One of the highlights for the children is our Multi-Use Games Area which was installed in our playground during the summer holidays of 2014. This area means that the children are able to play on artificial grass all year round irrespective of the weather. A rota system is used to ensure that all children throughout the school have access to it.
The New Hall building is separate from the main school building and was an addition to the school in the 1980s. We have a dedicated music suite in this building where all classes can enjoy practising. The New Hall itself is used for music and PE lessons as well as After-School Clubs and Parent Association events. It can also be hired for private use after school hours.
On the grass area outside the New Hall there is an Active Trail which includes Parallel Bars, a wobble bridge and Chin-ups bars. This equipment offers Year 3 – 6 physical challenge and the opportunity to burn off energy. Outside the New Hall there is a gazebo which doubles as an outdoor classroom and an area for rest and relaxation at break times. There is additional seating in the shape of a bumble-bee and a dragonfly plus a Mini-Beast HQ where the children can observe insects and bugs in a natural habitat. A rota system is used for both the Active Trail and the Infants Area to ensure that all the classes have access to them. The Infants area is used by Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The Active Trail area is used by Year 3 – Year 6.
All our school buildings and classrooms (with the exception of Year 6 which are on the first floor of the main building) are fully accessible. The New Building is fitted with a disabled access lift.
The Office Team
Mrs H Wildgust/ Admissions and Finance Manager
Mr C Matheron / SENCO
Mrs J McLoughlin / Welfare and Attendance Manager
To report an absence
The Blue School Parents’ Association