At The Blue School, our vision is to give children the knowledge, skills and the understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives as well as make positive contributions to society. The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to prepare children for life, helping them really know and value who they are, understand how they relate to other people and how they fit into and contribute to this ever-changing world.
We have embedded opportunities and experiences for children to develop their moral, social and cultural understanding throughout daily life in school through lessons, PSHE focused weekly assemblies, national and international awareness days and through are school Christian values.
This page provides prospective parents and visitors with a glimpse into our curriculum. Parents of Blue School pupils are provided with detailed guides to subject planning in the form of ‘Knowledge Organisers’ in Parent Zone.
Jigsaw is a whole-school and child-centred approach to PSHE which embodies a positive philosophy to nurturing children’s development as compassionate and well-rounded human beings as well as building their capacity to learn. It helps promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
The six pieces include:
Every year group studies the same Puzzle at the same time at their own level, lending itself to a whole-school approach and enabling children to build on their knowledge each year to gain depth in their understanding.
Designed as a whole-school programme, Jigsaw enhances growth-mindset culture and builds ethos; enhances a sense of belonging and community; values every child and is inclusive, and nurtures positive relationships with self and others, all conducive to learning.
Every year-group studies the same Puzzle at the same time at their own level, lending itself to a whole-school approach and enabling children to build on their knowledge each year to gain depth in their understanding. The puzzle pieces are adapted at times to meet the needs of our pupils.
Designed as a whole-school programme, Jigsaw enhances growth-mindset culture and builds ethos; enhances a sense of belonging and community; values every child and is inclusive, and nurtures positive relationships with self and others, all conducive to learning.
By the end of Early Years, Blue School children will have an understanding of their feelings and those of others and be able to regulate this accordingly. They will have grown in their independence, resilience and perseverance of taking on new challenges. They will have acquired self-management in skills in personal needs, hygiene and the importance of healthy food choices. When forming relationships, they will be able to work and play cooperatively with others and be able to show sensitivity to their own and to others’ needs.
Towards the end of KS1, children will have developed an understanding of rights and responsibilities that they have and that their opinions matter. They will have acquired new social and emotional skills to enable them to work in collaboration with others and how to form and manage healthy relationships. They will have knowledge on strategies for overcoming challenges and the importance of perseverance. They will understand the meaning of healthy choices and what we need to do in order to stay healthy as well as how these choices can help us to feel positive about ourselves. They will understand the importance of using the correct vocabulary for our body parts including our private parts and the differences between male and female bodies.
By the end of LKS2, Blue school children will have further developed their understanding of rights and responsibilities within the classroom as well as being able to recognise their self-worth and how actions all have consequences. With this understanding they will be able to apply this to their management of their own relationships with adults and peers. Furthermore, they will have acquired skills and strategies for independently resolving conflicts. They will be able to recognise their own ambitions in life and be able to reflect constructively on their progress towards these as well as identify obstacles and suggest ways to overcome these. They will have a good understanding of healthy choices as well as those that are unhealthy and how these choices can affect our bodies. They will have an understanding of the changes our bodies go through as we grow up including puberty and menstruation.
By the end of UKS2, children will have an understanding of rights and responsibilities within the wider community and will be able to set dreams and goals for their future. They will have learned about democracy and how this impacts our school environment. They will have an understanding of bullying and racism and be able to vocalise their thoughts and feelings about prejudice and discrimination and why it happens. Furthermore they will have developed respect for cultures different to their own. They will have an understanding of the term ‘career’ and be able to share ideas about their own career paths. They will further develop their understanding of how unhealthy habits can affect lifestyle including alcohol misuse and smoking and know how to take responsibility for their own health. They will understand how technology use can affect relationships negatively and the impacts it can have on one’s mental health and well-being. They will know how girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty and understand the importance of looking after themselves physically and emotionally. They will also gain knowledge in how a baby develops from conception to birth.
As part of our PSHE curriculum children in years 5 and 6 are frequently asked to be buddies to younger children in order to help with a range of activites inside and outside the classroom. The buddies also ensure that the younger children know at least one friendly face amongst the older children.
Years 5 and 6 take part in Level 1 and 2 cycling proficiency during school time. The children learn through circle time, role play, visitors and every day events.
The Office Team
Mrs H Wildgust/ Admissions and Finance Manager
Mr C Matheron / SENCO
Mrs J McLoughlin / Welfare and Attendance Manager
To report an absence
The Blue School Parents’ Association