The Nursery and Reception classes work within a discrete phase of education, from birth to 5 years called the Early Years foundation stage. It uses a holistic approach to learning, based on the belief that young children learn more effectively when they are actively involved in play and other first hand experiences and places a strong emphasis on each individual child. The EYFS finishes at the end of the Reception year and prepares children for learning in Key stage 1.
The EYFS curriculum is delivered through a combination of whole class, small group and paired teaching and child initiated activities. Our approach goes above and beyond the curriculum to foster deeper level learning. We pride ourselves on our ability to offer an exciting and engaging curriculum to optimise potential.
Developing confidence, independence, building friendships and working as part of a team. Understanding emotions, rules and self regulation.
Communicating with each other and developing skills in talking, listening and understanding.
Improving control and coordination in large and small movements, including developing gross and fine motor skills. Managing own personal hygiene, dressing and talking about keeping healthy.
Developing phonic knowledge alongside comprehension reading and writing.
Using ideas about number, numerical patterns, subitising, measurement, shape and space
Investigating and beginning to understand past and present, people, culture and communities, their world and technology. Understanding their faith in RE
Expressing themselves through drama, dance, music, art, role play and stories
We follow a synthetic phonics scheme called Read Write Inc. This is a fun and effective programme taught within a text rich environment where children are encouraged to read for pleasure. Children in Nursery develop speaking and listening skills and become attuned to the sounds around them, ready for phonics, sound recognition and blending. In Reception, children have daily phonics lessons, developing their reading and writing skills.
We develop children’s maths using real life experiences and through playful teaching strategies, number rhymes, songs and games. The children have opportunities to explore mathematical concepts and understanding through play. In Reception they develop a really strong sense of number, building strong foundations in maths ready to move through school.
At The Blue School we use Tapestry to record your child’s learning. Tapestry builds a very special journal of a child’s experiences and journey through their early years. Using photos, videos and diary entries, teachers, practitioners and parents are able to provide the story of each unique child, these memories can be kept as a permanent record. We recognise the importance of parents in a child’s developing stages and the communication between staff and parents that Tapestry enables, helps build a shared understanding of how every child can reach their full potential.
Home visits for all children new to the school in our foundation stage is part of the transition process and is one of our criteria for ensuring that children are able to settle happily and quickly into the school.
The Office Team
Mrs H Wildgust/ Admissions and Finance Manager
Mr C Matheron / SENCO
Mrs J McLoughlin / Welfare and Attendance Manager
To report an absence
The Blue School Parents’ Association