Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Year 6 – Cedar


Mrs Davies

Class Teacher

Mr Matheron

Class Teacher

Mrs Bennett

A. Person

School Council


School Council


School Council

Goals for the Year

Year 6 is an exciting and incredibly busy year! We continue to teach the national curriculum across all subjects, whilst preparing the children for the government’s Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs) in May. We strive to make learning fun and creative, with a continued focus on growth mindset. Year 6 leadership roles give the pupils an experience of responsibility, where they become visible role models across the school. We continue the buddy scheme, with children spending nurturing time with the younger children in the Reception classes. In July, we say goodbye to the Year 6 children, marking the end of an era in their educational journey. Knowing this will likely be the most significant change in their lives so far, we try to prepare them for their exciting future ahead, whilst making Year 6 as positive and memorable as possible.

Curriculum Statement

Writing opportunities during Year 6 offer our pupils the chance to demonstrate and build flair within their work. They build confidently on their English skills and are able to draw on their technical abilities to produce high quality work. The children are exposed to a vast amount of aspirational and diverse literature that will capture their imaginations and continue, what we hope is, a lifelong love of reading. In Maths, we follow a mastery approach to teaching which adopts a learning approach that aims for pupils to develop deep understanding of maths rather than being able to memorise key procedures or resort to rote learning. Using concrete representations, such as bead strings and dienes, can help pupils visualise concepts and strategies. The Year 6 Science units allow for some creative and engaging learning. From making model hearts from playdough in the Animals, including humans unit, to drawing offspring of Mr Men and Little Miss characters in Evolution and inheritance. We also learn about classification in Living things, and study Light and Electricity. Year 6 History is a rich curriculum, including Hitler’s rise to power in Twentieth century conflict. This is followed by the equally ambitious topic of the Civil rights movement in America. In Geography we have practical investigations in units such as Fieldwork and Population.


PSHE (personal, social, health and economics) is an important part of all pupils’ education. In Year 6 lessons we include units such as Being me in my world, Celebrating Difference, Goals and Dreams and Changing Me. We also encourage our class to recognise their worth as individuals, by identifying positive things about themselves and their achievements, seeing their mistakes, making amends and setting personal goals. We help children to face new challenges positively by collecting information, looking for help, making responsible choices and taking action. As part of our values towards Courageous Advocacy, we guide the children to understand that their actions affect themselves and others, to care about other people’s feelings and to try to see things from their points of view. In class, pupils have the opportunity to post notes in the Worry Box, and also celebrate peers through a Random Acts of Kindness box.

Workshops & Trips


Take a look at this!

In Year 6, we see the children really grow, preparing themselves to fly the primary school ‘nest’. Leading our service celebrations each term brings the opportunity to build confidence in oracy. They become more aware of the world around them, and we will see ourselves and our classmates developing in confidence, becoming more independent and resourceful. Furthermore, we will gain strategies to foster and maintain friendships, deal with obstacles and manage feelings.
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