Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Year 5 – Sycamore


Mrs Hunt

Class Teacher

Mrs Catherine Hasan

Teaching Assistant

School Council

Juno Hannaford

School Council

William East

School Council

Amelia Zyberaj

Sports Council

Oscar Greenwood

Sports Council

Anya Perera

Eco Council

Emmanuel Keshinro

Eco Council

A. Person

Eco Council

A. Person

Eco Council

Goals for the Year

Year 5 is an exciting year where children receive their pen licence and meet their ‘buddy’ in Nursery class. The children really benefit from the time spent with our youngest members of the Blue School and spend a lovely time reading to them in various corners of the Nursery. We like to focus on a positive growth mindset and we enjoy using our zones of regulation to display how we are feeling each day. We are keen to learn from others and explore how we can improve our own understanding. We enjoy an enriching and engaging curriculum that provides us with opportunities to investigate current affairs and to learn about inspirational people. In Sycamore class, we believe in equality and diversity. We are very conscious of sustainability and recognise that we each have a responsibility to protect our world. With that in mind, we believe that kindness, forgiveness and empathy come first, and a smile or compliment can make someone’s day.

Curriculum Statement

We are currently enjoying reading the fantastic book – Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce, and we are planning most of our English work around this novel. We have started on our Science topic of Earth and Space where the children are discovering many important facts about our solar system. We will also be studying other interesting topics, including Slums, the Kingdom of Benin, We are Game Developers, Properties and Changes to Materials, We are Cryptographers, Wisdom and Sikhism. In addition, we take part in a Daily Mile and receive PE lessons from specialist sports coaches to keep us physically active.


We have already been engaged in our PSHE topics of Being Me in My World and Celebrating Difference and have fully participated in Black History Month and Remembrance Day. This term, we are focusing on our Dreams and Goals topic, finding out about different jobs, the contributions we can make as citizens and how we can value the contributions of others. We are learning to be aware of our own well-being. In an ever-changing and challenging world, we focus on the importance of physical and mental health, adopting a range of techniques to ensure we learn and reach our full potential. Our Zones of Regulation interactive display enables us to acknowledge our feelings each day, and we can utilise a Worry Box to share how we are feeling more privately. We like to spread happiness in the class via our Acts of Kindness box.

Workshops & Trips

We visit the local Gurdwara as part of our RE topic on Sikhism. The children also experience the Langa and have refreshments. For World Book Day, we will be dressing up and enjoying a workshop about creating characters in stories. In the spring term, we have the opportunity to go on a residential trip to Lincolnsfield where we experience what it was like to live during WW2. In the summer term, we also visit Painshill, studying the flora and fauna

Take a look at this!

Year 5 is an exciting year for us as we start to take on more responsibilities across the school, go on some wonderful trips and meet our ‘buddy’ from the Nursery class. This year, we will see ourselves and our classmates developing in confidence, becoming more independent and resourceful. Furthermore, we will gain strategies to foster and maintain friendships, deal with obstacles and manage feelings. During Year 5 we really see the children develop; we try to encourage them to be more independent and resourceful in their learning, and help them develop strategies to cope with friendships, obstacles and feelings. By the end of July, our Sycamore seedlings are ready for Year 6
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