Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Year 5 – Ash


Mrs Old

Class Teacher/UKS2 phase leader

Mrs Picotti

Teaching Assistant/ELSA

School Council


School Council


School Council


Sports Council


Sports Council


Eco Council


Eco Council

Goals for the Year

It is exciting moving into the upper key stage and in Year 5 the children start to become more independent and take on new responsibilities. The children meet their buddy in Nursery class in the Autumn term and it is wonderful to see how relationships develop with the youngest members of our school. In Ash we focus on growth mindset and understand that making mistakes is an important part of learning. We enjoy an enriching and engaging curriculum that provides us with opportunities to investigate current affairs and to learn about inspirational people. We aim to support each other as a class family and each play our own part in ensuring a safe, happy and nurturing environment in which we can grow.

Curriculum Statement

We immerse ourselves in the novel ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cotrell-Boyce in the first term and look forward to our Observational Poetry topic. This year we will be be studying some interesting topics, including Slums, Earth and Space, the Kingdom of Benin, we are Game Developers, Properties and Changes to Materials, we are Cryptographers, Jesus’ miracles and Sikhism. In addition, we have French and Music lessons each week, we take part in a Daily Mile and receive PE lessons from specialist sports coaches to keep us physically active.


We start the year by studying the rights of the child and our own responsibilities within our community. Our classroom is a safe space to express opinions and we learn to respect that everyone has a voice and deserves to be heard. We can use our zones of regulation to help articulate how we are feeling and can post a worry in the worry post-box or hold a prayer stone if we are anxious about anything. To celebrate our extra-curricular achievements and good news we have a photo wall – the Corner of Cool!

Workshops & Trips

In the spring term in Religious Education the children will learn about Sikhism and will visit our local Gurdwara in Hounslow. We also have the opportunity to go on a residential trip to Lincolnsfield where we experience what it was like to live during WW2. This will be after the Easter break – the week beginning the 28th April 2025. During the summer term, we hope to visit Painshill Park in Cobham, Surrey. At the park, the children will go on a mini-beast hunt and experience the orienteering course around the wonderful park. This will support our science topic of Living Things, where we study the flora and fauna.

Take a look at this!

In Ash class we love Foreign Language Friday, the Birthday Interview and strive to earn the stationery Pot of Joy for our table each week. Our classroom is full of plants and we each have a table plant that we name and care for. We know that the plants provide oxygen and help to make the class feel calm, but also symbolise our journey and growth through the year. We are hoping both we and the plants stay healthy and flourish in Ash class!
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