It is exciting moving into the upper key stage and in Year 5 the children start to become more independent and take on new responsibilities. The children meet their buddy in Nursery class in the Autumn term and it is wonderful to see how relationships develop with the youngest members of our school. In Ash we focus
on growth mindset and understand that making mistakes is an important part of learning. We enjoy an enriching and engaging curriculum that provides us with opportunities to investigate current affairs and to learn about inspirational people. We aim to support each other as a class family and each play our own part in ensuring a safe, happy and nurturing environment in which we can grow.
We immerse ourselves in the novel ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cotrell-Boyce in the first term and look forward to our Observational Poetry topic. This year we will be
be studying some interesting topics, including Slums, Earth and Space, the
Kingdom of Benin, we are Game Developers, Properties and Changes to
Materials, we are Cryptographers, Jesus’ miracles and Sikhism. In addition,
we have French and Music lessons each week, we take part in a Daily Mile and receive PE lessons from specialist sports coaches to keep us physically active.