Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Year 4 – Beeches


Ms Evans (am)

Teaching Assistants

Ms Bootman (pm)

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Wyzlic

Class Teacher

Mr Matheron

Class Teacher

School Council


School Council


School Council


Sports Council


Sports Council


Eco Council


Eco Council

Sophia G

Eco Council

Goals for the Year

In year 4 we are enthusiastic and excited about our learning. We aim to make learning as fun and creative as possible. We strive to be the best we can be and to embrace challenges. The inspiring and engaging curriculum, along with the class environment, help us to develop our critical thinking skills and make sense of the world around us. Our Christian values are rooted in everything we do and learn.

Curriculum Statement

In English we cover many different genres, we read key texts and explore them in more detail. We cover non-fiction writing such as recounts and reports, and fiction writing such as fables and poetry. We follow a mastery curriculum for maths, with our lessons following a six-part structure, including a talk task. We use ‘star words’ in every lesson and enjoy putting actions to these to help us remember and understand them. In history, we study Roman Britain, the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Our science includes habitats of living things, food chains and sound. In geography, we study rivers and migration, and in computing, we become software developers and learn how to use different media. We also go swimming at the local pool as part of our PE curriculum.


We are working on becoming more aware of our feelings and emotions and we are practising self-regulation. We have a Zones of Regulation displays in our classroom, which helps us to explain and manage our emotions. We especially enjoy finger breathing as a way of helping us to keep calm! We also try to use problem-solving steps to help us with our friendships and relationships.

Workshops & Trips

Throughout the year, we have exciting opportunities for extended learning through trips, workshops and local visits. We experience special days such as Roman Day and we are even hoping to have a Viking Day! Some other exciting trips may include a trip to the Warner Bros Studios: The Making of Harry Potter in addition to an end of year trip.

Take a look at this!

Year 4 Beeches are a supportive, inclusive class where we listen to each others thoughts, ideas and opinions. We work in an environment where we are not afraid to make mistakes and we treat mistakes as opportunities to learn.
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