Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Year 3 – Oaks


Mrs Merry

Class Teacher

Mrs Garrod

Teaching Assistant

School Council


School Council


School Council


Sports Council


Sports Council


Eco Council


Eco Council

Goals for the Year

We are a class that strives to do our best and embrace challenges. The inspiring and engaging curriculum, along with the class environment, will help us develop our critical thinking skills and make sense of the world around us. We believe in a caring and supportive environment nurtured by positive relationships with our peers and all the adults that help us in year 3 and around the school. We display our class rules to remind us of our core school and Christian values. Our class rules are reinforced with our rewards systems of house points and table of the week. In our class, we use zones of regulation to help us to foster self-regulation and emotional control. We have also been talking about having a positive mindset!

Curriculum Statement

In Year 3, we will enjoy an enriched and engaging curriculum where we will use our skills of investigation to explore, discover and gain knowledge on a wide range of topics. In the Autumn term, we will be giving meaning and power to our words through expressive performance poetry. As mathematicians, we will be deriving new number facts from our existing known facts, building connections between key mathematical concepts and place value. We will be a driving force when investigating physics in our topic on forces and magnets. We will explore what it means to be a citizen of the world through geography and discover how algorithms work as we become programmers in computing.


In PSHE we will be developing the life skills to support our wellbeing, encourage a positive self-identity and worth and understand how to communicate our feelings, as well as learn strategies to promote regulation and understand how to respond to some of life’s challenges in a positive and responsible way.

Workshops & Trips

To be confirmed…

Take a look at this!

The mighty oak tree is a symbol of wisdom and strength. We will aim, through these characteristics, to champion being exemplary role models at The Blue School and in our wider community.
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