In Otters, we are bursting with enthusiasm about our learning. We spend our days learning through fun, creative and inspiring activities. We always strive for excellence and embrace any challenges with smiles on our faces! The inspiring and engaging curriculum along with the class environment, help us to develop as members of the school community and make sense of the world around us. Our Christian values and classroom rules are rooted in everything we do and learn.
This year, we will be jumping into the KS1 curriculum and learning about exciting topics such as Andy Goldworthy, the Monarchy, investigating Isleworth and moving minibeasts. We develop our reading and writing skills through the Read Write Inc scheme. We read and explore a range of different texts such as stories, poems and non-fiction texts. These texts inspire us to write and develop our imagination through drama and creative activities. We blossom as mathematicians using the White Rose Maths scheme. We use talk, concrete resources and written tasks to embed key mathematical concepts into our learning and everyday life. We use ‘star words’ in every lesson and enjoy putting actions to these to help us remember and understand them. In DT, we will plan, make and evaluate a stable car garage structure and will create art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy using natural materials. Watch out for our exciting creations! To build on our knowledge of the world, we will explore the Amazon and the Mongolian grasslands in geography, learning about their different homes, climates and traditions. In history, we will explore how people lived in the past and compare this to the present. In computing, we will follow our Switched On Computing scheme to become detectives and use data to solve clues. In PE, we enjoy team games as we develop our tactics in attacking and defending. We also focus on skills such as balance, coordination and dance. In RE, we learn all about ourselves as children of God. As well as deepening our understanding of Christianity, we also learn about other world religions, such as Judaism and Islam. Please have a look on the Parent Portal for more details in the Knowledge Organisers.