As Chair of Governors I am very proud to be associated with the hardworking staff, both teaching and non-teaching as well as the members of the Governing Body who work extremely hard behind the scenes. With our Head Teacher, Mr White, together we will be striving to build upon the solid foundation we already have to push the school to even greater heights.
Whilst not responsible for the day to day management, our strategic remit means we take a keen interest in all aspects of school life – the welfare of pupils and staff, the curriculum, pupil achievement, Safeguarding, Buildings and Finance.
The Governors meet together each term with much of the work taking place in committees. We receive information from the Director of Education, Hounslow and the London Diocese Board for Schools which seeks to keep us up to date with the ever changing statutory duties of Governors as well as inform us of the different initiatives designed to support and enhance the work that we do. The Head Teacher also reports on all aspects of the school and is supported and challenged by Governors to ensure the ambitions for the school are being fully realised in line with the School Improvement Plan.
The Governors are proud to be part of this thriving school and are committed to working in partnership with the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure that the drive and passion for even greater success continues.
Stephanie Ajayi, Chair of Governors
The Blue School is a thriving, outstanding primary school which continues to offer every child the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential in a nurturing Christian environment.
Timetable of Full Governing Body Meetings 2023-2024
Fiona Knower (Chair)
Simon Shimmens
Rachel Jones
Stephanie Ajayi
Stuart Minster
Heidi Swindenbank ( Chair)
Lindsay Nolan
Stephanie Ajayi
Rachel Jones
Rev Dave Cokayne
Lindsay Nolan (Chair)
Lavinia Pashley-Wilkins (Vice-Chair)
Natalie Lonsdale
Stephanie Ajayi
Rachel Jones
Clair Couch
Stuart Minster
Lavinia Pashley- Wilkins
Stephanie Ajayi
Rev Dave Cokayne
Linday Nolan
Steve Laffey
Lavinia Pashley-Wilkins
Heidi Swindenbank
Rev Dave Cokayne
Lindsay Nolan
Natalie Lonsdale
Natalie Lonsdale & Clair Couch (Eng, Maths, Sci) Lavinia Pashley-Wilkins & Stuart Minster (Foundation)
Clair Couch
Fiona Knower
Rev Dave Cokayne
Clair Couch
Stuart Minster
Stephanie Ajayi
Simon Shimmens
Lindsay Nolan
Stephanie Ajayi
Stuart Minster
Simon Shimmens
Stephanie Ajayi
Lindsay Nolan
Stephanie Ajayi
Rev Dave Cokayne
Stephanie Ajayi
Stephanie Ajayi
Heidi Swindenbank
SLA from Richmond
Heidi Swidenbank
Lindsay Nolan
Stephanie Ajayi
Stuart Minster
Ruth White
The Office Team
Mrs H Wildgust/ Admissions and Finance Manager
Mr C Matheron / SENCO
Mrs J McLoughlin / Welfare and Attendance Manager
To report an absence
The Blue School Parents’ Association