We employ high calibre teachers who bring with them enthusiasm and love for their job. All teachers are encouraged to constantly review their teaching and develop their classroom skills.
Each class receives considerable additional support from classroom assistants and voluntary parental helpers.
The school also has an experienced team of administrators who ensure the smooth-running of the school, the welfare of the pupils and effective communication with parents and the wider community.
Mrs Old
Mrs Stallwood (Maternity Cover)
Mr Hammer (Maternity Cover)
Mr Kelly
Miss Ruane
Miss El-Hossiny
Mrs Lonsdale
Mrs Merry
Mrs C Davis
Miss Ansell
Mrs Couch
Mrs Couch
Mrs Stallwood
Miss Muir
Miss Cowley
Mrs Old
Mrs Hunt
Mrs Hunt
Mrs Lonsdale
Mrs Cheung
Nursery - Miss Muir EYP - Mrs Langley
Kangaroos - Miss Moon/ Mrs S Cheung
Giraffes - Mr Hammer/ Miss Cowley
Mrs James, Ms Parker (HLTA)
Rabbits – Miss Wilkinson / Mr Kelly
Otters – Miss Ansell
Pandas – Mrs Couch
Zebras – Mrs Lonsdale
Mrs Mugosa, Mrs Harrison, Miss Butler, Mrs Winchester (HLTA),
Elms – Miss El-Hossiny
Oaks – Mrs Merry
Beeches – Mrs Wyslic/Mr Matheron
Willows – Mrs Stallwood-Bracken
Ms Perkins, Mrs Hassan, Miss Bootman, Miss Evans
Ash – Mrs Old
Sycamore – Mrs Hunt
Redwood – Miss Ruane
Cedars – Mrs Davies / Mr Matheron
Mrs Baker, Ms Bennett, Mrs Picotti, Mrs Garrod, Mrs Hassan
Mr C Matheron
Mrs J Mcloughlin
Mrs A Perkins
Mrs T East
Mrs J Bennett
Mrs A Picotti
Mrs R Harrison
Ms A Winchester
Mrs M Reeves
Mrs H Wildgust
Mrs J McLoughlin
Mrs R Kuncheva
Mrs T East
Mr Y Gurung
Mrs K Garrod
Mr D Parker
Mr W Needham
Mrs S Butler
Mrs A Perkins (Senior SMSA)
Mrs J Pearman
Mrs A Winchester
Mrs B Mugosa
Mrs A Ferao
Mrs M Lushaj
Mrs E Price
Mrs J Vaz
Mrs L Stevens
Ms S Butler
Miss P Tonheta
Mrs E Michaels
Mrs J Monojothi
Mrs S Hindi
Mrs G Egyiawan
Mrs E Abdallah
The Office Team
Mrs H Wildgust/ Admissions and Finance Manager
Mr C Matheron / SENCO
Mrs J McLoughlin / Welfare and Attendance Manager
To report an absence
The Blue School Parents’ Association