Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.



Children join our Nursery class in the September following their third birthday.


Children join our Reception class in the September following their fourth birthday.

In Year

If your child is looking to transfer from another school it is an In Year transfer.

Nursery Admissions

Children join our Nursery class in the September following their third birthday. You can print off the following application and information forms, complete and return to the School Office.

Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 will be eligible to start in The Blue School Nursery ‘Noah’s Ark’ in September 2024.

Children can take up a free 15-hour place in the Nursery in the September after their third birthday.

Working families who meet certain eligibility criteria can also claim an additional 15 hours of free education and childcare a week – 30 hours in total. You can check your eligibility for 30 hours by going to www.hounslow.gov.uk/30hours
We will be offering 15 hours (08.40am – 11.40am) or 30 hours sessions (08.40am – 15.30pm)

Please note: there will be a £5.00 supplement per day for a 30 hours place to cover the cost of lunch time supervision.

For all applications, you must also complete a London Borough of Hounslow application form. For further information this please visit the London Borough of Hounslow website.

Reception Admissions

The Blue School Admissions process starts from 1st November 2023 for 2024/25 intake.

Reception applications close on 15th January 2024. Parents must also register an online application with the London Borough of Hounslow for a Reception place. For further information please visit the London Borough of Hounslow website.

Packs will be available in the School Office from the 1 November 2023. 

In Year

For In-Year admissions, please complete and return a Blue School application form (SIF). Parents must also register with The London Borough of Hounslow, their wish to be on The Blue School waiting list. For further information, please visit the London Borough of Hounslow website.

In Year Waiting Lists

Parents will be notified within 15 school days of the outcome of their application. Where an application is refused, the school will set out the reason for refusal. Applicants who are unsuccessful will be added to a waiting list and parents are advised to complete an annual up to date application form in September, confirming their wish to remain on the waiting list.

This waiting list will be maintained in the order of the published oversubscription criteria and each added child will require the list to be ranked again in line with the above. If a place becomes available it will be offered to the next child at the top of the waiting list.

As a result, The Blue School, whose admissions arrangements prioritise applicants based on membership or practice of the faith, evidenced through regular attendance at a place of worship, have sought a variation to their admissions arrangements for 2023/24, to ensure that parents are clear on what they need to do in order to meet the relevant criteria.

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